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Virtual production:
the last drop of hope
Europa was the final project for my XR class, in which the whole class chose a project to work on a short film.
A story of a man looking for something valuable in Europa moon of Jupiter living living everything behind.
The class chose an environment concept based on a concept art that me and the directors worked on, then i was in charge of adding detail to the terrain, work on the cameras to be ready for the volume, and to be in the virtual desk to make changes on set and color correcting.
Behind the scenes:
Screenshot 2023-03-06 084957
Screenshot 2023-03-06 085038
Describe your image
Screenshot 2023-03-06 085014
Describe your image
Screenshot 2023-03-06 084957
Programs used:
Unreal Engine 5.1 for texturing and lighting the environment. For building the foreground, ambience and clouds.
Gaea was used to create the overall landscape
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